Highly aesthetic light-curing restorative material
- Two simple steps, perfect results
- Layering like in nature: shades are created from the inside of the tooth
- Simple and precise shade match
- Natural shade transitions automatically
- Natural aesthetics can be achieved with only 11 shades in a simple layer technique
- Easy to learn, fast aesthetic results
- Intuitive approach, no preconceived shades
- Non-sticky consistency is ideal for modelling and shaping
- Long resistance to ambient and chair light
- Optimal polishability
- Natural fluorescence and high colour stability
- Good chameleon effect for invisible restorations Indications
- Aesthetic restoration of class III, IV and V cavities in anterior teeth
- Aesthetic restoration of class I, II and V cavities in posterior teeth
- Reconstruction of traumatically damaged anterior teeth
- Direct and indirect composite veneers and facing of discoloured anterior teeth
- Shape and shade correction for improved aesthetics
- Repairing highly aesthetic porcelain, e.g. veneers
- Splinting of anterior teeth