Quickly eliminates sensitivity from tooth whitening, toothbrush abrasion, root exposure, and thermal and chemical changes.
IsoBlock disposable bite blocks relax the lips and cheeks.
Ideal for removing superficial white and brown decalcification stains due to enamel mottling from fluorosis.
Ultra-Trim Scalloping Scissors are ideal for fine trimming of whitening trays to carefully adjust the tray material to the patient’s natural anatomy.
OpalDam and OpalDam Green are resin barriers used to isolate and protect soft tissue with an impervious seal.
OpalDam and OpalDam Green are resin barriers used to isolate and protect soft tissue with an impervious seal.
Specifically designed to create custom-made whitening trays for patients interested in take-home whitening treatments.
Ultradent LC Block-Out Resin provides reservoir space for bleaching trays.
Ideal for removing superficial white and brown decalcification stains due to enamel mottling from fluorosis.