Reference: 084-0008
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Snowlight are fiber-reinforced composite posts
More detailsConsultants’ Comments
“Overall great system.”
“Nicely packaged and color-coded.”
“Posts are easily trimmed with diamond burs.”
“Make posts more radiopaque.”
Description Snowpost and Snowlight are fiber-reinforced composite posts.
These white and radiopaque, esthetic posts are composed of silica-zirconia fibers embedded in a resin matrix (patented).
Both types of posts are pre-silanated and may be used with bonding resin cements and composite core materials for all composite corono-radicular restorations.
The Snowlight posts feature light-transmitting qualities, allowing cementation with dual-cured resin cements and light-cured resins. The post surface is smooth with taper in the apical third.
Posts are supplied in 1.0-, 1.2-, 1.4-, and 1.6-mm diameters with corresponding drills.
The introductory kit evaluated contains 50 assorted posts plus four finishing drills and four sterilizable try-in posts.
Seventeen consultants used Snowpost and Snowlight in 190 clinical cases.
Product Features Both Snowpost and Snowlight are neatly packaged with one finishing drill for each post diameter.
The post space may be initiated with a Gates Glidden or Peeso reamer, then completed with the finishing drill.
Ease of use, size selection, full seating of the post, and ease of length adjustment were rated as very good.
The pre-silanation, radiopacity and the ability to cure through the Snowlight post were frequently cited as improvements in fiber-post technology.
The posts fit easily into the canals and provide good retention for the composite core material.
Sixty-five percent of consultants indicated that they would purchase Snowpost and Snowlight, and 76% would recommend them.
Type of usage | Fiberglass shafts |
Quantity | 20 snowposts + 4 reamers |
Size | 1,0/1,2/1,4/1,6 |
Contents | Set |
Dual-curing, composite-based temporary luting material
Fast setting temporary bis-acrylic crown and bridge material in 1:1 cartridge
Indications for Use – To hold impression materials – use to make impressions of patients’ teeth.
Indications for Use – To hold impression materials – use to make impressions of patients’ teeth.