
Fill-up universal

Reference: 016-1363-ST


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Owing to its dual curing property, fillings with Fill-Up! can be administered in arbitrary filling depth in a single step!

An additional covering layer can optionally be applied to enhance aesthetics but is not necessary.

Conventional light curing bulk filling materials are limited in their curing depth, putting into question whether the restoration fully cures.

On the contrary, the dual curing property of Fill-Up! guarantees a thorough curing down to the bottom of every cavity.

Moreover, chemical curing minimises shrinkage stress dramatically, preventing microfractures and postoperative sensitivities.

As supported by study, the bonding partners ParaBond and One Coat 7 Universal (together with the activator) caters for a perfect marginal seal comparable to the one of conventional composite - before and after thermocycling and chewing abrasion – ensuring a secure long-term restorative solution.

Fill-Up! is your perfect choice for all Class I and II fillings, cavity lining and core build-ups – every time when a fast restoration is needed or for cavities difficult to reach with the curing light.

Fill-Up! is a dual curing, medium viscous bulk composite for posterior Class I and II restorations.

Owing to its dual curing property, fillings with Fill-Up! can be administered in arbitrary filling depth in a single step! An additional covering layer can optionally be applied to enhance aesthetics but is not necessary.

Conventional light curing bulk filling materials are limited in their curing depth, putting into question whether the restoration fully cures. On the contrary, the dual curing property of Fill-Up! guarantees a thorough curing down to the bottom of every cavity.

Moreover, chemical curing minimises shrinkage stress dramatically, preventing microfractures and postoperative sensitivities. As supported by study, the bonding partners ParaBond and One Coat 7 Universal (together with the activator) caters for a perfect marginal seal comparable to the one of conventional composite - before and after thermocycling and chewing abrasion – ensuring a secure long-term restorative solution.

Fill-Up! is your perfect choice for all Class I and II fillings, cavity lining and core build-ups – every time when a fast restoration is needed or for cavities difficult to reach with the curing light.

Data sheet

Type of usage Bulk Filling
Quantity 4,5gr
Color Universal
Liquidity Flowable

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