MicroMega K-Reamers are the most common hand files used for the root canal debridement.
For temporary cementing of crowns or bridges ProXem Temp-Luting is an automix non-eugenol temporary crown and bridge cement
This product is used by connecting to dental handpiece and rotates to grind hard materials and tissues
MicroMega K-Reamers are the most common hand files used for the root canal debridement.
Diamond coated instrument for root planning after periodontal flap surgery
Cream preparation for root canals widening.
MANI’s original 18/8 hard-fiber stainless steel prevents corrosion after repeated cleaning and sterilization
Stoddard FG diamonds are high quality precision engineered rotary instruments
HyFlex Remover, the file to remove obturation materials from the root canal during a nonsurgical endodontic retreatment